The Theremin Stays!

Original Music
Song Lyrics
Cover Tunes
Christmas Songs
My Writings
Contact Me

Ah, another year, another project. All of the recordings on The
Theremin Stays! were recorded in Chicago at Handwritten
Recordings. My sincere thanks to the owner Rick Riggs for
all his work and ideas. Making appearances are Gordon
Buchanon, Al Neve, Eric Hartzell, and Rodney Mullins. They
make my songs better...

All Songs by John Terzino

Stoned Again, Naturally

The Legend of John Baumer

(with al neve: lead guitar, vocals)

Tired Old White Man Blues

(with Gordon buchanon: drums,vocals)

The Poorest to the Richest Life

(with al neve: vocals)

A Social Engagement Gone Bad

(with al neve: lead guitar, bass, vocal...gordon buchanon: guitar, vocal...eric hartzell: drums)

Risking It All

(with gordon buchanon: lead vocal...eric hartzell: electric neve: piano)

Poor Ol' Elijah

Tale of a Probing Mind

Karmic Equation

Simple Life

(with al neve: 12 string, bass, vocal...eric hartzell: drums...gordon buchanon: guitar, vocal))

Self Made Man

Nightscape No. 8

Existential Blues

(with rodney mullins: lead guitar)

It's In the Bible